Link Building is one of the most important processes that will help boost the SEO and website ranking. There are many things from getting a link from a particular site to posting guest blogs as well as issuing Press Releases. There are many important things that effect SEO. However, the value of the link is completely based on several aspects that are considered by search engines like Google and Bing and adversely affect a site ranking and hence proper care should be taken in order to build good links that effect your site ranking positively. Below listed 7 important attributes that will boost your site ranking as studied by SEO experts.
- AnchorText: This is an important way to make your link valuable. Though there are some links that do not use anchor text and still provide some value. However, using anchor text will greatly affect your site though you might not see instant results.
- Relevance: Content that you post should be relevant with the content that you are offering the client. There is a common notion among some SEO folks that if your business deals with food, you have to post relevant content that talks about food and not about the fashion industry as this might drop your link. However, you should also see if you can find relevant stuff from other industries like Tech and Fashion world that could be used as not all information is irrelevant.
- Spot on the Page: Link placement plays a very important part on a page, if it is placed in the footer or on the sidebars, search engines might simply consider it as advertising links and if the links are posted unskilfully, you might end up in trouble.
- User Engagement: Link that keeps users engaged and lets the users spend a lot of time is a very good link and can help users check other links that are posted on that page.
- Text or Image: It really does not matter as long as you’re confident on what might better for you. Sometimes Images get more footfalls and sometimes it is the text that gets users attracted.
- Spammy Links: Spammy links can affect SEO badly as Google penalizes sites with bad links. Hence, care should be taken to avoid links that are spammy or posting content on sites in the bad neighbourhood.
Editorial Integrity: This one might also affect SEO pretty badly if the content posted on the site is not genuine.