Adobe’s change from Creative Suite to Creative Cloud, which houses things likes Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere, has caused the cost of Australian user subscriptions to steadily increase since the Cloud’s debut in 2014. The cost is now 2.5 times more than it originally was.
The major spike in pricing is mainly due to the global market, as the cost changes with worldwide currency value, which has had drastic increases and decreases as of late. The prices of the Creative Cloud services will be be raised once more on June 5th.
To properly grasp the price hike, the annual rate for a subscription in 2014 was $359.88, and this year, it’s skyrocketed to $871.07. Adobe’s addition of GST this past December has raised prices 10% alone, and comparatively, Australian citizens would save money by purchasing a round trip plane ticket to and from the US and obtaining the program there for a much cheaper price.
With these continuous increases, even Adobe devotees may have to consider switching to something new if they don’t want to break the bank.